B12 Injections in Las Vegas, NV

Vitamin B12 is a versatile nutrient that helps your body with a number of important functions, from maintaining a healthy nervous system to creating red blood cells and DNA. B12 also plays an important role in proper brain function. Therefore, when an individual is short on Vitamin B12, they may experience some troublesome side effects, such as brain fog, nerve tingling, fatigue, irritability, and other lasting aftereffects. At Las Vegas Medical Therapeutics, Dr. Kasey Abanonu provides B12 injections to clients dealing with a nutritional shortage. For more information regarding B12 injections or to determine whether you have a lack of B12, contact our Las Vegas, NV practice today to arrange a private consultation.

During your initial consultation at Las Vegas Medical Therapeutics, Dr. Abanonu will perform a thorough health assessment and talk with you about your symptoms and lifestyle. These assessments will help us determine if Vitamin B12 injections are a good fit for your wellness needs. B12 shots are usually administered into the thigh muscle or upper arm and only take a few minutes. You should be able to feel the benefits of your treatment almost immediately as the vitamin cocktail enters your bloodstream.

Vitamin B12 injections may benefit your overall health and wellness in a number of ways if you're suffering from a nutritional deficiency. One of the main advantages of B12 shots at Las Vegas Medical Therapeutics is that the effect is almost instant, especially for people who may have trouble absorbing nutrients through digestion. Some of the other benefits of Vitamin B12 injections are:

  • Amplified energy
  • Rapid treatment period
  • Heightened metabolism and decreased weight
  • Enhanced hair and skin health
  • Improved moods
  • Enhanced sleep patterns
  • Better focus and recollection

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If you're feeling tired, foggy, or just not your normal, healthy self, then it's possible you're suffering from a Vitamin B12 deficiency. The good news is that it's easy to get your wellness back on track with B12 injections at Las Vegas Medical Therapeutics. Get in touch with our Las Vegas, NV practice to request a consultation with Dr. Abanonu at your earliest convenience.

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